This is where the hungry come to feed. For mine is a generation that circles the globe and searches for something we haven't tried before. So never refuse an invitation, never resist the unfamiliar, never fail to be polite and never outstay the welcome. Just keep your mind open and suck in the experience. And if it hurts, you know what? It's probably worth it.

Apr 20, 2010

still cooking.

i know i've been terribly neglecting this blog (as well as the other).  not sure why things seem so busy.. yet i feel like i'm slacking in so many other aspects.. the guitar is dusty.. my workout clothes are clean..  but one things for sure i'm still cooking.

from top: spinach, potato,sausage fritatta | mini fruit tarts | grilled pork loin, baby carrots, and truffle crab pasta | roasted beets w/goat cheese walnuts (yes poscol i copy u) | tortellini and sausage stew | taiwanese style chicken nuggets


hiero said...

dang it, I need to get a nice camera, your food pics always come out so pretty

Diane said...


Anonymous said...

making me HUNGRY!

S + Y said...

YUMMY!! everything looks so good!
