our italian adventure has sadly come to an end... there were ups and downs, stressful and relaxing moments, but all unforgettable. it will probably take me some time to finish the complete recap of the trip, so bare with me. also, i really didn't take too many pictures, and practically zero of food, because, well i always ate it all before i thought of pulling out my camera. you will see mainly scenic and site photos with the occasional obligatory self portrait and few attempted candid shots. also this is my first time to try picasa web albums. we'll see how well they go, else i'll switch to flickr or my ol' reliable imageshack hosting site.
anyways. what can i say about italy. i went in with high expectations of a wonderous time, yet no expectations of what exactly italy would be like. and i guess that was a good thing. everything was new, i wasn't sure what it would be like once we got there, but it was beautiful. my favorite cities being the small hill country towns. the one thing that i never found the answer to was why there was an 'english' name for the major cities in italy.. or italia: venezia = venice, firenze = florence, roma = rome. why?? i mean i really just see no point in it all.
first up... venice. it was such a lovely city, but where we incurred the most problems (arriving at night, with no map, in search of our hotel through winding streets, with no map). venice was also plagued by tourists, but i guess it's what you should expect. st. mark's square was exquisite, but even more so at night, and we made it through without a pigeon poo fiasco. though many the gondola's, we did find one that still sang.
best foods in venice: sarde in saor (marinated sardines), fegato alla veneziana (venetian style calves liver)

major sites: st. marks square: basilica, clock tower, doge's palace; rialto bridge, academia bridge

* i may add more photos later.
loves it!
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